Patnaconsultant provides Digital Signature in Lohardaga, Class 3 Digital Signature in Lohardaga,Class 2 Digital Signature (DSC) in Lohardaga. Digital signatures are your personal identity saved in form of software. Earlier, it used yet to be in pfx format but now its issued in token (pen drive later than storage device).
Digital Signature in Lohardaga
Digital signatures such the herald suggests, is your signature in digital form. Digital Signature in easy terms, is a digital key generated based upon your personal details which you can use to authenticate digital forms and documents. Gone are the days, when you used to sign upon documents manually or you used to gain documents signed by others manually. Now signing accomplishment is curtains digitally.
Types of Digital Signature Certificates
1. Class 1: Generally used for demo purpose, not used widely
2. Class 2: This type of Digital Signature is widely used, in almost all works such as GST, IEC code, MCA works etc.
3. Class 3: Class 3 digital signatures are used in painful feeling work, works in which more secured data is needed. Information shared through class 3 DSC is encrypted and is unquestionably secured.
Documents required for getting Digital Signature Certificate?
1. Copy of pan card and aadhaar card of applicant
2. One passport size photograph of applicant
3. Copy of Registration certify and Bye laws of company (in combat of class 3 digital signature)
4. Copy of bank avowal and Income tax reward of company (in skirmish of class 3 digital signature)
What is Digital Signature or Digital Signature Certificate?
Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) are the digital equivalent (that is electronic format) of being or paper certificates. Few Examples of physical certificates are drivers’ licenses, passports or membership cards. Certificates support as proof of identity of an individual for a sure purpose; for example, a driver’s license identifies someone who can legally motivation in a particular country. Likewise, a digital certificate can be presented electronically to prove one’s identity, to entry information or services upon the Internet or to sign determined documents digitally.
Type of Digital Signature Certificates:
- Sign
Sign DSC can unaccompanied be used for signing documents. The most popular usage of is signing the PDF file for Tax Returns, MCA and additional websites. Signing via DSC gives the assurance of not unaided the integrity of the signer but in addition to the data. It is proof of untampered and unaltered data.
- Encrypt
Encrypt DSC can unaccompanied be used to encrypt a document, it is popularly used in the pining portal, to put going on to companies encrypt the documents and upload. You could along with use the sanction to encrypt and send classified information. Encrypt DSC is fit for e-commerce documents, legal documentation and sharing documents that are intensely confidential and contains guidance that needs to be protected. We are selling Encrypt endorse as a standalone product as well.
- Sign & Encrypt
Our Sign & Encrypt DSC can be used for both signing and encrypting. It is convenient for users who need to authenticate and maintain the confidentiality of the guidance shared. Its usage includes filing direction form and application.
Validity of the Certificate:
You could buy certificates taking into consideration a validity upto three years. (The validity is controlled by law, and you cannot buy certificates higher than three years and less than One year validity)
Classes of Certificates in Lohardaga:
The IT enactment allows three Classes of DSC, however now only class 3 digital certificates are used. Class 1 and Class 2 digital signatures are not more in use.
The difference amongst Class 2 and Class 3 is confirmation guidelines.
- Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate
Class 2 digital signatures are issued to individuals and organizations (Indian and foreign applicant). The main bill of this recognize is to authenticate the details of the signer. It re-affirms the already mentioned data of the user. It is used in various form-filling, online registration, email attestation, income tax filing and etc. More uses of Class 2 Digital Signature Certificates are solution below.
- MCA e-filing
- Income Tax e-filing
- LLP registration
- GST application
- IE code registration
- Form 16,etc
- Note: Class 2 Digital signatures are not more in use.
- Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate
This is the safest of whatever certificates. It is used in matters of tall security and safety. It is mainly used in online trading and e-commerce, where a huge amount of grant or deeply confidential guidance is involved. If you opt for class 3 certificate, all applications which are created for Class 2, should be able to believe your certificates. Following are the main functions of Class 3 certificates –
- E-tendering
- Patent and trademark e-filing
- MCA e-filing
- Customs e-filing
- E-procurement
- E-biding
- E-auction etc..
- Now lonesome CLASS 3 Digital Signatures are issued and used in market.
For Class 3 Digital Signature, Company Registration, NGO registration, ISO certification, FSSAI license, Trademark Registration, Website Development or registration of your businesses, please feel clear to call or Whatsapp at +91-8540099000 or drop us an email at
In engagement of any queries or to buy digital signature, please feel pardon to call or Whatsapp at 8540099000.