Patnaconsultant can help you in getting copyright registration in Patna. Copyright of musical works, arts, paintings, books, magzines, poems, literature, film, movie, songs, drama, serials etc.
“Copyright” is rights of owners over copies of his works/creations. Means, he gets rights to decide, who can take copy of his works or who can use his works and who can not. He get ownership of his works. Thus, copyright is a right given by the law to the creator of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works and producers of cinematograph films and sound recordings. The copyright act, 1957 protects owner/creater of works from unauthorised usage.
Is copyright registration mandatory?
The answer is no, its not necessary to get copyright registration of your works as copyright is automatically created as soon as you have created your work. But to prove ownership of your work, its always beneficial to take copyright registration. Copyright registration and entries made in register copyright registrar would act as prima-facie evidence in a court of law with reference to dispute relating to ownership of copyright.
Copyright Registration Process
- Application for copyright registration
- Payment of government challan
- Sending 2 copies of works along with Form XIV to Copyright Department
- Copyright Registration Certificate is issued
Copyright Registration Fees (Government Challan)
- For Musical, Literary, Dramatic or Artistic work- Rs. 500
- For Musical, Literary, Dramatic or Artistic work capable to used in relation to any goods- Rs. 2000
In case of any queries, or for copyright registration, please feel free to call or whatsapp to our copyright expert on +91-8540099000