Patnaconsultant provides Trademark opposition counterstatement filing services, trademark legal consultancy services, trademark agent consultancy services. Trademark opposition is an incidence, in which third party having interest in your trademark, file his or her objection in form of trademark opposition.
Trademark Opposition
Trademark opposition is an incidence, in which third party having interest in your trademark, file his or her objection in form of trademark opposition. When you file trademark, its published in trademark journal for seeking views/objections of any third party on your trademark application. Means, suppose you file Trademark application for “XYZ” brand, but we are already using “XYZ” or UXYZ” brand, which is similar or almost similar to your brand. Then, in this case, we will file our objection in form of trademark opposition when your trademark is published in Trademark Journal.
When a trademark opposition is filed, the owner of trademark application has to file counter statement in reply of trademark application within 30 days of receipt of trademark opposition notice. Failing which, department could abandoned your trademark application.
In case you have any doubts, or if you want to file trademark opposition reply or want to hire Trademark agent or trademark lawyer to help you in that, you can call or whatsapp our experts at +91-8540099000.